Are You Expected To Pay a Hefty Childcare bond?
Unfortunately a lot of parents are being asked to pay a hefty childcare bond to secure a place for child by their local childcare centres.
In some cases, some childcare centres are taking a bond payment of 2 weeks in advance. For example if you require childcare for 4 days a week then the cost is $125 daily x 4 days which equates to $500! Worse still you then need to double that figure as you need to pay weeks in advance. Parents are expected to pay a hefty $1000 bond if they have their child in childcare for 4 days per week.
At Mary’s Kindy we totally understand and appreciate these bonds can cause financial stress for parents and for that reason we don’t expect any of our parents to make such difficult financial choices. At Mary’s Kindy we have choosen to limit our bond to only $150 to ensure all parents no matter their financial situation can place their loved ones without the burden of a hefty bond.
If you are in the inner west suburbs of Croydon, Canada Bay, Cabarita, Ashfield, Abbotsford, Five Dock, Summerhill or other neighbouring please feel free to give us a call to disguss your child’s needs.